Almonds: The Nut in Shining Armor

If you live ‘round here you know. If you’ve driven through the area you know. If you’ve read a little on California agriculture you know. Yes, we know you know: It’s about Almonds! Almonds have held their place toward the top of the Golden State’s top 10 agricultural commodities list year after year, and it just seems to continue growing. We’ve talked about Almonds before and we will talk about them again because they’re such a huge part of life around here. Thanks to our ideal growing climate and soil conditions, these nuts have reigned supreme in the world market. Besides being so mighty as a commodity, they are our pride and joy as being nutritional powerhouses! If we may say so, they’re our nut in shining armor.
We love ‘em because they fit in with any meal or as a responsible snack. If you want to geek out and have some time to spare, this article from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health will give you more than enough reasons to make you want to eat them regularly.

From a down home perspective, though, they’re a nut that anyone could appreciate – university studies or not.
They can be enjoyed in so many forms, from Raw Almonds to savory flavored Almonds to sweet dessert-worthy Almonds to Almond Flour that we bake into the Martino family’s favorite Almond Flour Blueberry Pecan Cookies with Cacao Chips. Search our site and you’ll see that all of our Almonds are shelled for your convenience, so all you have to do is pick some up and get down to enjoying them!
We mentioned that our Certified Organic Orange harvest was great. Because of that long, warm growing season and a good supply of water our Fall 2021 Almond harvest was very good. Because of that good fortune from Mother Nature, we thought you’d appreciate celebrating that nice crop by enjoying this month’s web special.

Buy any quantity of Bella Viva Orchards’ Raw Almonds for just $5.99 per one-pound bag. That’s a royal 40 percent off! So stock up on this royal nut and feel good about adding them to your diet any time of the day, any day of the year. We wish you a healthy and happy New Year!