NEW Products: Easter Gifts Abound!
With Easter and other spring holidays upon us, we’re excited to introduce our NEW Lemoncello Almonds and Mint Chip Malt Balls! Our whole California-grown Almonds are toasted and coated in lemony white chocolate and our Mint Chip Malt Balls are addictive marble-sized malt balls with a dark chocolatey minty-green coating (yum)!
For your convenience, we offer a phenomenal selection of hand-assembled Gift Crates, Gift Baskets and Gift Trays! Or, to DIY, just mix and match from our great products, including those new Lemoncello Almonds and Mint Chip Malt Balls. Sweet tooth? Grab these new products in 2-pound bags! Add dried fruits, nuts and chocolates and you’ve got the magic! You’ll want to stock up on chocolates too, ‘cause they’re on special right now at an irresistible price! You’re getting it — let your imagination be your guide.
Whether you go with our gift combinations or create your own, your recipients will be “hoppy” to receive Bella Viva Orchards goodies! For DIY, pick up a pretty basket, flower pot, Easter bonnet or gift bag and fill it with frizzle – then top it with a selection of Bella Viva treats. Finish it off with a nice bow and a gift tag and voila! You’ll be remembered for months to come and you’ll feel good knowing they’re enjoying California fruits, nuts and sweets.