Awesome Almonds: Nut Nirvana Is Here!
In Central California, it’s Almond harvest time. All around us, branches on the trees are heavily weighed down in the best of ways. It means that goodness it on its way! And goodness in oh so many ways!
Almonds offer a lot to snackmeisters and super-athletes alike. Beyond their irresistible fun crunchy noshability, they rock so many recipes and are as nutritious as all getout. A big plus: We shell all of our Almonds for your convenience!
Almonds are packed with virtue! You know that, but let’s get more specific. They’re naturally gluten-free and cholesterol-free and are a very good source of fiber, vitamin E, magnesium, manganese, copper, riboflavin and phosphorous. They’re also a source of unsaturated fats, calcium and protein (1). These nutrients help promote heart health, weight management, diabetes management and gut health. And you get all those health benefits from a tasty nut! How ‘bout that!?
Get creative and conjure up your own trail mix. We have all the components here at Bella Viva Orchards. Or add them to baked goodies – think about cookies, brownies, protein bars, muffins or pancakes. Get savory and serve them warmed with pan-toasted garlic slices and chopped rosemary. Check out all of our Almonds – we offer a great variety, whether you like ‘em raw or flavored. Gettin’ hungry? We thought so. Our Almonds just can’t help but be awesome.