Seven Fruits for Powerhouse Health
Whether you just made a new year’s resolution to eat better – or if you’re already a health-conscious eater, you can boost your diet starting right now with some of our favorite nutrition-dense superstars! In 2014, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published a study (1) identifying “powerhouse” fruits and vegetables – those that are low in calories and high in dense nutrients – and we’re excited that these Bella Viva Orchards dried fruits made that list! You can get all of these superfruits into your hands – then into your mouth – by doing some healthy shopping with us! Easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy!
1. Lemons
The experts’ favorite fruit is Lemons. These tart disks of sunshine are high in vitamin C and are a source of folic acid, potassium, pectin and an array of antioxidants. Including Lemons in your diet can help lower the risk of stroke and cancer, maintain healthy blood pressure, support a healthier complexion, prevent asthma, boost your immune system, increase iron absorption and maintain a healthier weight (2). We love to start the day by adding a couple of disks of Lemons to hot water in the morning with a drizzle of local honey. It can easily become a ritual! Or drop a couple of slices into your hot tea. Some of us like to eat ‘em straight out of the bag. Try it. You’ll like it!
2. Strawberries
These sweet little darlings are a source of vitamins B-6 and C, fiber, calcium, magnesium and potassium. And experts tell us that eating Strawberries may be linked with healthier heart function, too (3). So snackable just as they are, they’re also awesome in spinach salad or sprinkled on your morning cereal.
3. Oranges
High on the CDC’s powerhouse fruit list is Oranges, which are well-known for being a rich source of vitamin C! They also contain fiber, calcium, magnesium and potassium. These nutrients may contribute to a stronger immune system and help prevent colon cancer (4). Try ‘em in your tea or simply in hot water for a morning tonic. Healthify your day, friends!
4. Apples
Skin-on Apples are tops for helping boost a healthier heart and digestive system, lowering your risk of diabetes and even helping you lose weight (5). Try them in our recipe for Harvest Apple Pie or Baked Apple Hand Pies or tuck ‘em into your lunch bag for a healthy and sweet treat!
5. Pomegranates
Our Organic Pomegranate Arils give your body fiber, potassium, calcium and vitamin C. These original super fruits are linked with blood and bone health and may help protect the body from brain-related diseases and certain cancers (6). Eat them – seed and all – for a burst of tangy sweetness. How? On your oatmeal, in a winter green salad or sprinkled onto your favorite cooked veggies.
6. Bananas
One way to bring a taste of the tropics into your diet is by enjoying our Dried Banana Chips. Bananas are a source of fiber, calcium, magnesium and vitamin C and are high in potassium, which helps promote healthier blood pressure and heart rate (7). They’ll perk up your trail mix or morning cold cereal and make the kiddos happy at snacktime!
7. Blueberries
Yep, you’ve heard that these guys are known as “superfood.” They’re worthy! They’re a source of vitamin C, fiber and potent antioxidants that are linked to improved cardiovascular and artery health and diabetes management (8). Try ‘em in our recipes for Lemon Yogurt Blueberry Bread and Blueberry Yogurt Muffins. Toss a handful onto your yogurt or morning oats or spinach and feta salad or straight into your mouth for a sweet and healthified treat!
Check out all of our GMO-free offerings, including our great selection of Certified Organics and stock up on these nutrition powerhouses today. Your body and your conscience will thank you profusely!